Saturday, June 6, 2009

Show and Tell: The Benchmark Sock OR Thoughts on Efficiency and Pride

Well friends, it's official. I have arrived. I am, officially, a Knitter of Socks. I see your reactions vividly in my mind: those of you who don't knit, or who do but haven't crossed the scarf/hat barrier yet, are all sufficiently impressed by my skills. You are marveling at my handiwork and shaking your heads, sure you could never complete such a project [which is of course completely untrue, as I remember thinking this once myself]. For those of my friends who do knit, you are remembering that first sock of your own. You know what it means.

This is both a proud and puzzling moment in this knitter's career; I realize, as I reflect with pride on the admittedly impressive article I've constructed, how truly inefficient sock-knitting is as a use of my time. I mean, honestly. Socks are cheap, and often hidden by shoes. They are an extremely challenging and time-consuming project, and, frankly, a rather anti-climactic final product. So . . . why? I think, largely, because I can. I have now entered that unspoken club of knitters that knit socks. I keep waiting for someone to jump out and teach me the secret handshake. Or maybe I don't learn the handshake until my first sweater is completed?

Anyway, I love my sock, and it's partner is currently under construction. I can't wait to wear them around the house and tell everyone around that I made them myself.

Show and Tell: Labor of Love

Take note: I'm writing this in a whisper, so we don't wake Colin . . .

Finally, here are the pictures of my biggest . . . as in, actually largest . . . knitting project ever! I knit this blanket for Eliza and Adam for their wedding this spring. It was an awesome, consuming winter project - easy, as far as the actual knitting went, but a true marathon, a test of my knitting endurance and patience. This project became our 6th housemate, a member of my daily carpool, and, for a time, turned me into that knitting lady, the one with a huge tote bag in tow and blanket over her lap during meetings. During a particularly tough spring break, this blanket was my primary companion as I knit my way through the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. We have a real history together.

I also really rode the deadline on this project - I was literally sewing in my loose-ends the evening of the wedding, as Colin picked out his tie. Luckily, I finished in time for a quick photoshoot before I wrapped it up to give away - and I'd like to dedicate these photos to all of my friends and students in Portland who accepted this blanket as a part of their own lives when it was all I could do or talk about for a while there. I wanted you all to see the outcome of my labor and your own enthusiasm and support.

I loved putting so much of myself into a wedding gift for such dear friends - I hope it keeps them warm for years to come.