Friday, January 2, 2009

Show and Tell: Holiday Knitting Fashion Show!

You've waited, and wondered at the sudden dearth of crafting news over the past month. You may have worried that I'd finally ridden my wave of productivity to its end, and even pictured me - sans knitting needles - stranded on the couch in the basement watching bad basic cable. Oh no, my friends! Oh contraire! Picture me instead, knitting needles a blur, cranking out homemade holiday gifts with the fervor of an elf in a workshop. Buddy the Elf. In an impromptu Chanukah workshop, in front of the fire in a suddenly white Portland or in my parents cozy living room in North Carolina. And imagine me eager to post news of my creations, but also imagine that those receiving the gifts under-construction made up over 90% of my readership. Well finally, for all of us, the wait is over. I bring to you, friends, a holiday fashion show.

First: Caitlyn is an apple! A delicious, Granny Smith apple. Mmmmmm.

Second: The magic of felted slippers! My greatest masterpiece so far, hands down. Oh, and don't be confused: I knitted a pair for myself and a pair for my mom. The felting process does not affect color (the before pic is mine, the after my mom's).

Ok, so the final knitted product, before felting, looked like this:

And AFTER felting: TADAH! Perfectly foot-sized! Hooray!

Finally: My dad modeling his one finished glove (and cheerfuly awaiting the other half to this pair).

OH, and finally finally, the in-progress section: I have a scarf still under construction for Jessie that currently looks like this:

I trust that she'll send us a professional self-portrait modeling the final product, once it's finally in her hands.